My letter to Santa.

Dear Santa,

My Daddy recently explained to me what Christmas is all about.  I’ll be honest with you, I was pretty shocked.  You can see my reaction.

Ellora learns about Christmas!
Ellora learns about Christmas!

AAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH!  I get more presents!  I get to ask for whatever I want?  I thought about it and then realised that it is pretty much business as usual for me.  I’ve been getting loads of presents and people have been coming to visit me.  I suppose it would be nice for other people to get presents too but they need to be good, and I know for a fact that some people aren’t.  Daddy told me about Uncle Reeves.  Look at him – I bet you don’t give him any presents

I think he drank something funny.
I think he drank something funny.

Anyway can I please have the following for Christmas?  Please please please!

1.  I want everyone else to wear flat caps like my Mama.

He is so cool.
He is so cool.

2.  I want Uncle Adam to give me a cuddle again (but maybe not look so scared?)

It's ok - I won't bite!
It’s ok – I won’t bite!

3.  I want my mummy to stop dressing me up as animals.

Somebody get me out of this.
Somebody get me out of this.

4.  I want Mummy to find Dougie and stop pestering me.

5.  I want Dida to stop telling me scary stories.

Why does she do this?
Why does she do this?

6.  Above all else I want all of my friends and family to have a lovely Christmas whatever they are doing!

Check out my jumper!
Check out my jumper!

Thanks Santa

P.S. A pair of shoes would be nice too.  Preferably designer.  And something with a nice heel….

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